
The Benefits of Alone Time and the Power of Community to Heal Loneliness

How do you feel about being alone? Your answer may be a clue to how you’re wired as a human being. Some of us spend so much time alone that it’s uncomfortable to be around people and some of us spend so much time with people that it’s uncomfortable to be alone. We like to put people into categories such as the ones psychoanalyst Carl Jung created: introverts and extroverts. If you enjoy hobnobbing at a party, you’re categorized as an extrovert and if you aren’t fond of small talk and would prefer a good book cuddled up on your couch at home, you’re categorized as an introvert.

It’s not only about our behaviour, but also about how we recharge our batteries. Some of us need to be around other people to feel energized and some of us need peace and quiet to refuel, so we can handle being around people. Some of us are a little of both and can switch back and forth quite easily. I mention all of this because as human beings, we love a good category. We appreciate it when things are clear cut and easily defined but what it is to be human is not that. Being human is complex and multi-faceted. We’re all unique. Categories are helpful as a guide to point us toward what each one of us needs to thrive. It helps to reflect on situations where we feel most energized or relaxed. Were you alone and enjoyed the day so much you lost track of time? Perhaps that’s a hint that you enjoy being alone. Were you with others who shared a common interest whether it’s a hobby or work?  Did it fill you up or tire you out? Reflecting this way can help us understand what our needs are.

“What a lovely surprise to discover how unlonely being alone can be.” Ellen Burstyn

I’m more introverted than extroverted. I chose a very public life in broadcasting and public speaking as a career and in many ways, it’s been a terrific education. I need alone time to replenish, manage stress and reflect. Alone time helps me feel more creative and energized so I can be at my best when I’m around people. I’ve learned how to be more extroverted when I’m in social situations (practice helps). People have such interesting stories, and I learn a lot from them. I’ve learned that my story can be helpful to others as well. So, encouraging myself to be more social has had a lot of benefit.

We humans are meant to live in community and to be interdependent. We’re meant to rely on one another; not to be isolated. Research tells us that a certain amount of alone time is beneficial, especially as we age. When we’re alone, we’re more focused and away from other people’s opinions and influence. Being alone is a state of being, and being lonely is an emotional response. While loneliness is part of being human and it’s something we all feel from time to time, we all experience it differently. Some of us feel lonely for a short time and others feel lonely for long periods. Some of us feel lonely when we’re with people, especially when we don’t feel those around us care for us or understand us.

Feeling lonely can contribute to mental health concerns such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and sleep challenges. Conversely, mental health challenges can contribute to feelings of loneliness. Because this aspect of our lives is unique to each one of us, there isn’t one solution for all. Life events outside of our control, important holidays, and big changes in our lifestyle can magnify feelings of loneliness. Being kind toward ourselves or being self-compassionate is an excellent starting point, then opening up to people we trust, not overwhelming ourselves with tasks, resisting the impulse to compare our situation with anyone else’s and instead recognizing that our situation is unique, and the remedy will be unique as well. Learning to take excellent care of ourselves by speaking kindly toward ourselves and about ourselves, taking it slow and not pressuring ourselves to have all the answers might be an effective prescription to start with. Getting exercise without overdoing it, listening to beautiful music, watching lighthearted entertainment on tv, or going out for a walk with a friend might be more your style. Remember procrastination is fear in disguise and deliberately taking small steps to complete a task can help to calm fear.

“The loneliness you feel is actually an opportunity to reconnect with others and yourself.”  Contemporary philosopher – Maxime Legace                  

Loneliness is an epidemic, in our current North American social climate, despite or maybe because of the many ways we are electronically connected. But human connection is something we haven’t been able to replicate digitally, and I hope we never do. Instead, I hope we choose to connect in community whether it’s with our family or our family of choice, so that we can see how much we have in common and help one another along the way.

Life is much smoother when we accept that we’re all unique and that includes our needs. I love alone time to refuel while my friend needs to be around people to fill her tank. We don’t judge one another, instead we respect each other and encourage each other to do what’s right for us. While I’m an independent minded woman I know that I need people as much as they need me. It’s my responsibility to make sure I take good care of myself and sometimes that means spending time alone and sometimes that means sharing what’s happening with my friend.

We’ve been conditioned (I say conned) to think that when we’re independent, we’re strong, but in learning what our needs are and how to be vulnerable with others, we discover our true strength. Having the courage to be vulnerable sets us up to receive support from our community and it’s feeling that we’re part of something bigger than ourselves that builds sustainable strength. It’s knowing that we’re all in this together and together we can do anything.

This Wellings blog by Kathie Donovan was exclusively written for Wellings Communities and appeared first on MyWellings.com.

Old Ladies Against Underwater Garbage

In the quiet, picturesque town of Cape Cod, a group of senior women were on a mission to find something meaningful to do. 

They had spent their lives raising families, building careers, and contributing to their communities. 

Now, in their golden years, they sought a new purpose, something that would bring them together and make a difference. 

It all started with Susan Baur, a spirited 84-year-old with a passion for swimming and a keen eye for the environment. 

During one of her daily swims, Susan noticed the increasing amount of trash littering the bottom of the ponds she loved so much. 

Disturbed by the pollution, she wondered if there was a way to make a difference.

Susan shared her concerns with her friends, a group of like-minded women over the age of 64. 

They were all looking for a new way to stay active and engaged. Inspired by Susan’s idea, they formed a group dedicated to cleaning up the underwater garbage in their local ponds.

The group started small, with just seven members. They called themselves the Cape Cod Cleaners and set out to make a difference. Each member had to pass a swim test, proving they could swim a mile in about half an hour—a testament to their dedication and physical fitness.

The women embarked on their underwater missions in pairs, always accompanied by a kayaker for safety. They explored various ponds across Cape Cod, uncovering treasures and trash alike. From century-old bottles to modern plastic bottles and vaping pens, their discoveries told a story of the changing times and the ongoing battle against pollution.

The Cape Cod Cleaners’ primary objective was to keep the ponds clear of underwater garbage, mainly plastic, to safeguard the environment. But the group quickly became much more than a cleanup club. It was a testament to the power of collective action and purpose-driven initiatives.

Marci Johnson, one of the group’s members, found solace in these underwater missions during her battle with breast cancer. The serene quiet of the underwater environment provided peace and helped heal the aftershocks of her illness. The group’s camaraderie and shared sense of purpose brought joy and laughter into their lives.

Word of the Cape Cod Cleaners’ efforts spread, and the group grew from seven to 23 members within just a year. Inspired by the group’s dedication and success, women across Cape Cod wanted to join the cause.

These incredible women have shown that making a difference is possible and incredibly rewarding. 

Dive in, join the fun, and discover the joy of purposeful living—no matter how many candles are on your birthday cake.

Self-Compassion for a Happier Day

I pride myself on being a pretty good cook, having taken care of most of the meals for our little family of two over the last thirty-something years. I love to try new recipes, visualizing them in my imagination and relying on my experience in the kitchen to improvise when I feel confident to do so. Occasionally, things go sideways, and the dish doesn’t turn out as I envisioned. I used to feel bad about it, sometimes I’d scold myself, or point out the perceived mistake before anyone else could say anything.  I wanted to protect my feelings from being hurt. It’s exhausting to feel we must cover up when things don’t go as planned. My little story is a small example of the many situations we find ourselves in where things don’t go as we imagined, or we feel we’ve messed up somehow. The most natural response is to frame it in a negative way and be critical of ourselves. This just sounds like human nature, doesn’t it? But does it have to be?

“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” – Albert Einstein

It’s that old school conditioning around perfection; it was part of my education growing up but not part of my experience because nothing I was or did could ever have been perfect. That’s how I thought about myself and my life when I was young. The concept of perfection was always out of reach back then, but I have since learned that perfection is nothing more than an illusion. Take nature as an example: we understand that nature is perfect in every way with her rhythms and her beautiful creations but there isn’t one straight line in nature. Think about that. When we observe nature, we can see that there are no mistakes; life in nature is gloriously flawed and we’re comfortable celebrating that.

In nature, nothing is perfect, and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they’re still beautiful.  – Alice Walker                         

While we are part of nature, she feels more like a great teacher because our human experience is different. Unlike animals in the forest, we don’t trust our intuition or our natural rhythm, we rely on our thoughts mostly and sometimes that’s where we get ourselves into trouble. When we make a perceived mistake, our critical thoughts step in to tell us that we’re wrong, that we don’t know how to do whatever it was we were trying to do.

But without our perceived mistakes, how would we learn to do better? How would we know what’s for us if we don’t try different experiences? Nobody nails it on the first go. Life is complex and finding our joy in it takes some practice.

 “Self-compassion is nurturing yourself with all the kindness and love you would shower on someone you cherish.” -Debra L. Reble PhD

 In her book titled Self-Compassion, Dr. Kristin Neff PhD says that having compassion for ourselves, meaning treating ourselves as we would a cherished friend when they’re struggling, helps us to feel stronger and more resilient. Initially this idea rubbed me the wrong way because of the deeply ingrained conditioning I had around independence and perfection. As a young person, I learned to be independent and to strive for elusive perfection. But as I reflected on the idea of compassion and did a little research, I shifted my perception. The word compassion comes from a Latin word meaning to suffer with and research shows that human beings are naturally compassionate because to greater or lesser degrees, we all suffer. We know how to be there for other people when they’re going through it but recently, I’ve been learning through Dr. Neff’s book about the great benefit of having compassion for ourselves. The idea takes the focus off independence and perfection and places it on interdependence and acceptance. We need each other and we need to accept others and ourselves as we are and what we are is gloriously flawed.

 “Suffering is part of life. May I be kind to myself in this moment. May I give myself the compassion I need.” ― Kristin Neff PhD, Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself

There are close to 3,000 studies now on the concept of self-compassion and its benefits for our well-being. Dr. Neff says that there’s a difference between acts of self-care like taking a bath or having a massage and self-compassion. The latter is a state of mind; it’s not something that requires resources or taking any action. It’s a way of thinking that is invested in our own best interest. The tricky bit though is we must learn self-compassion because we’re so wired for self-criticism, the evolutionary system that weirdly makes us feel safe. Since learning about the idea of self-compassion, I know which voice I don’t want in my head when things go sideways – a voice that belittles me; what I want is a friend who supports me. Self-compassion then becomes a practice, where we shift our inner dialogue when we mess up from negativity and self-criticism to support and kindness. Let’s face it, nobody gets through life without some challenges and when you can learn to rely on yourself for some compassion you’re far more inclined to be comfortable sharing that support with others.

This Wellings blog by Kathie Donovan was exclusively written for Wellings Communities and appeared first on MyWellings.com.

Best Friends Forever: Origin Stories

Friendship weaves through the fabric of life, offering comfort, joy, and unforgettable memories. Here are some heartwarming stories of friendships that have stood the test of time, proving that authentic connections can flourish under any circumstances.

Dinner Buddies: The ROMEO Club

After losing his wife, David retreats from social activities, seeking solitude. However, his friend Tony wasn’t ready to let him slip away. Tony invited David for dinner weekly, a tradition he relentlessly maintained despite numerous refusals. Eventually, David gave in, and what started as a reluctant outing evolved into a weekly ritual. This group, which they fondly named ROMEO (Retired Old Men Eating Out), became a cornerstone in David’s life, providing him with companionship and a renewed zest for life during his golden years.

Childhood Friends to Comrades: A Bond Forged in Battle

Two friends maintained a rare and profound bond from the kindergarten playgrounds to the military front lines. Enlisting together and ensuring they were placed in the same unit, they faced life’s gravest dangers. During a critical moment on the battlefield, when one was injured, the other defied orders to save his friend, a daring act that epitomized the depth of their friendship. This act of bravery highlighted their unwavering support for each other, a testament to their lifelong bond.

Sisters by Chance: Julia and Cassandra

Julia Tinetti and Cassandra Madison met while working at a bar, immediately clicking over shared interests and similar backgrounds. Their friendship, marked by laughter and mutual support, took a dramatic turn when a DNA test revealed they were biological sisters. This discovery transformed their relationship, deepening their bond and adding a beautiful familial layer to their strong connection.

Consoling Notes: Patricia and Mary Lou

In the quiet solitude of a cemetery, two grieving mothers, Patricia and Mary Lou, found solace in each other’s company. They started a unique tradition of exchanging inspirational notes under a rock at the cemetery. This small act of kindness grew into a deep, supportive friendship that helped them cope with their sons’ immense loss. Over time, their meetings extended beyond the cemetery to regular coffee dates, where they shared their grief and the joys of life.

These stories of enduring friendships remind us of the profound impact that deep, meaningful connections can have on our lives. 

True friendships can provide unwavering support and enrich our lives unimaginably, whether formed in youth or later years.

🐝 Buzzing with Fun: 12 Amazing Facts About Bees You Need to Know 🐝

Welcome to the world of bees, where every buzz tells a story of hard work, incredible abilities, and crucial roles in our ecosystems. 

In honor of World Bee Day on May 20th, let’s dive into some fascinating and fun facts about these tiny yet mighty creatures.

  1. Five-Eyed Wonders

Bees have five eyes—three small ocelli on top of their heads and two large compound eyes. These extra eyes help them see UV light, essential for navigation and finding flowers.

  1. Dancing Communicators

Honeybees have a unique way of sharing information. They perform a “waggle dance” to inform their hive mates about the direction and distance to flowers, water sources, or new hive locations. It’s nature’s version of GPS!

  1. Face Recognition Skills

Believe it or not, bees can recognize human faces! Despite their tiny brains, they can learn to identify different human features, which is pretty impressive.

  1. Queen’s Egg Laying Marathon

The queen bee is a true supermom, laying up to 2,000 eggs daily. Her prolific egg-laying ensures the hive’s survival and growth, making her the colony’s heart.

  1. Super Smellers

Bees have an extraordinary sense of smell, thanks to their 170 odorant receptors. This powerful sense helps them detect various scents and pheromones crucial for communication and foraging.

  1. Tiny Honey Producers

A single bee produces only about 1/12th to 1/8th of a teaspoon of honey in its lifetime. Despite this small amount, their collective effort results in the delicious honey we love.

  1. Nature’s Pollinators

Bees are vital pollinators, responsible for pollinating approximately 75% of the world’s flowering plants and about 35% of global food crops. Without them, our food supply would be in serious trouble.

  1. Speedy Fliers

Bees can zip through the air at up to 15 miles per hour. While not the fastest fliers in the insect world, their speed and agility are perfect for foraging.

  1. Diverse Species

There are over 20,000 species of bees, from honeybees to solitary bees like the mason bees. Each species has unique behaviors and roles in the ecosystem.

  1. Winter Survival Tactics

In cold weather, bees huddle together in their hive to stay warm. This clustering behavior is crucial for their survival during the winter months.

  1. Electric Field Detectors

Bees can detect and use electric fields to find flowers and communicate with other bees. This incredible ability enhances their foraging efficiency and ensures they get the best nectar and pollen.

  1. Variable Lifespan

The lifespan of a bee varies greatly depending on its role. Worker bees live for about six weeks during the busy summer months, while queens can live for several years. Their lifespan is closely tied to their duties within the hive.

Celebrate World Bee Day!

World Bee Day, celebrated on May 20th, is the perfect opportunity to learn more about these fantastic creatures and take action to protect them. Whether planting bee-friendly flowers, setting up a bee house, or avoiding harmful pesticides, every little bit helps.

So, let’s give a big shoutout to our buzzing friends for all they do to keep our world beautiful and our food plentiful. 

Happy World Bee Day!

Tips for Seniors to Outsmart Online Scams

As the world evolves, so too do cybercriminals’ tactics, with seniors increasingly becoming targets of sophisticated online scams. 

Understanding these scams and learning how to protect oneself is crucial. 

Here’s a guide to help you stay safe online.

Beware of Tech Support Tricks

Tech support scams are prevalent and particularly nasty because they play on fears of technology issues. Scammers may alert you to nonexistent problems on your computer or smartphone, often through pop-up warnings or unsolicited phone calls. They’ll ask for remote access to your device or demand payment for support services. Remember, legitimate companies like Microsoft or Apple will never initiate contact about tech problems on your device.

The Grandparent Scam: A Call for Caution

This emotionally manipulative scam involves a call from someone pretending to be your grandchild in a crisis. The caller might request money for an urgent problem like bail money or hospital bills and often pleads with you to keep it a secret. Always verify such claims by contacting your family members through known phone numbers, not the ones provided during the suspicious call.

Romantic Ruses: Steering Clear of Sweetheart Scams

Online dating can be an excellent way to meet new people, but it is also a standard arena for scams. Scammers create fake profiles to build relationships, only to eventually ask for money, often citing emergencies. Be cautious with new online relationships, especially those that progress rapidly and soon involve financial requests.

Impersonation Scams: The Fake Officials

Scammers might impersonate government officials, threatening fines or arrests to scare you into paying them money or disclosing personal information. Genuine agencies will never threaten you over the phone or demand payments via unconventional methods like gift cards or wire transfers.

Charity Scams: When Generosity is Exploited

You might receive calls asking for charitable donations after natural disasters or during the holiday season. Verify the legitimacy of these organizations by visiting their official websites or checking with platforms like the Better Business Bureau. Never give out your credit card or personal information over the phone to unsolicited callers.


Investment Scams: Too Good to Be True

Be wary of anyone promising high returns with little to no risk. These scams often come with high-pressure sales tactics to rush you into making decisions. Always research opportunities and consult with trusted financial advisors before making any investments.

Staying Protected

Educate Yourself and Others: Stay informed about the latest scams and protective strategies. Discuss these issues with friends and family.

Secure Your Devices: Keep your software updated and use comprehensive security software to protect against viruses and malware.

Verify Before You Trust: Always double-check facts when you receive unsolicited requests for money or personal information.

By taking these steps, you can help create a safer online environment for yourself and your fellow seniors. 

Remember, awareness is your first line of defense against scams.

Clever Riddles to Brighten Your Day

Hello, dear Members of The Wellings! 

Today, we’re exploring a delightful medley of riddles and brainteasers that promise to add a little fun to your day. 

So, please grab a cup of tea, settle in, and let’s unravel these puzzles together.

What rocks but does not roll?

A rocking chair.

My voice is tender, my waist is slender, and I’m often invited to play. Yet wherever I go, I must take my bow, or else I have nothing to say. What am I?

A violin.

First, I am dry, and then I am wet. The longer I swim, the more taste you get. What am I? 


A man stands on one side of a river, his dog on the other. The man calls his dog, who immediately crosses the river without getting wet or using a bridge or a boat. How did the dog do it?

The river was frozen.

A doctor and a bus driver are in love with the same woman, an attractive girl named Juliet. The bus driver has to go on a long bus trip that will last a week. Before he leaves, he gives Juliet seven apples. Why?

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

A woman shoots her husband. Then she holds him underwater for over 5 minutes. Finally, she hangs him. But 5 minutes later, they go out together and enjoy a wonderful dinner. How can this be?

The woman was a photographer. She shot a picture of her husband, developed it, and hung it up to dry.

Until I am measured, I am not known. Yet you miss me, when I have flown. What am I?


There is a word in English in which the first two letters signify a male, the first three letters signify a female, the first four signify a great man, and the whole word a great woman. What is the word?


I left my campsite and hiked south for 3 miles. Then I turned east and hiked for 3 miles. I then turned north and hiked for 3 miles, seeing a bear inside my tent eating my food! What color was the bear?

White, since the only place you can do that is the North Pole, white polar bears are the only bears living there. 

Also, if you walk south, east, north, and end up back where you started. You must be near the North Pole. This is because, at the geographic North Pole, any southward movement eventually leads to a circular path around the pole (due to the curvature of the Earth and its convergence at the poles). After moving east (which, near the pole, is moving in a circle around the pole), turning and moving north brings you back to the starting point.

Turn me on my side, and I am everything. Cut me in half, and I am nothing. What am I? 

The number 8.

No matter how little or how much you use me, you change me every month. What am I?

A calendar.

How can 8 + 8 = 4?

When you think in terms of time. 8 AM + 8 hours= 4 o’clock.

As we wrap up our session of brain teasers, I hope you found joy and a bit of mental gymnastics in today’s riddles. 

Whether you solve them quickly or ponder them over tea, these playful puzzles are an excellent way to keep your mind sharp and your spirits high.

Remember, every day at The Wellings is a chance to learn something new and share a smile with our neighbors.

We look forward to bringing you more fun and games next time. 

Until then, keep those gears turning and enjoy every delightful moment at The Wellings!

The Remarkable Journey Home: A Tale of Hope and Reunion

In the heart of a quiet neighbourhood lived an elderly woman named Mrs. Ellie and her adventurous cat, Whiskers. 

Whiskers, a curious soul with a distinctive white fur over his mouth, embarked on an unexpected journey that led him far from home. His absence left a void in Mrs. Ellie’s heart, prompting a neighbourhood-wide search for the beloved pet.

After weeks of worry and longing, a faint meow from the old oak tree in Mrs. Ellie’s backyard signaled the end of Whiskers’ grand adventure and the beginning of a heartwarming reunion. Mrs. Ellie found Whiskers entangled in the branches, a little worse for wear but safe. 

The joy of their reunion echoed throughout the neighbourhood, a testament to hope and the unbreakable bond between a pet and their human: 

All celebrated Whiskers’ return, a reminder of the love and community spirit that binds us together.

This tale of adventure, hope, and reunion highlights the remarkable journeys pets sometimes take and the joyous moments when they find their way back home.

Here are a few other heartwarming stories of pets and their incredible journeys back to loving homes. 

Let us explore these tales of happy reunions:

A Journey Across Miles: Discover the story of a dog who traveled hundreds of miles to reunite with its family, overcoming numerous obstacles. Read more here.

The Cat Who Came Back: Read about a cat that returned to its family after being lost for over a year. This story celebrates the resilience of pets and the miracles that sometimes bring them back to us. Read more here.

Each of these stories is a beacon of hope for those still searching for their lost pets, reminding us of the incredible journeys our animal companions can have and the joyous reunions that await.

Remember, while the journey might be long and filled with uncertainty, the possibility of a happy reunion is always there, lighting the way home.

Welcome home, furry friend, welcome home!

Choose a 55+ Adult Lifestyle Community That Fits Your Lifestyle

Choosing an adult lifestyle community is a significant decision that goes beyond the physical amenities. 

It involves considering the overall feel and atmosphere of the community and whether or not they align with your vision for your future. 

A community will not be all things to all people, so knowing its most important aspects is essential for thriving. 

We always suggest working on this before you visit any communities and understanding through conversation with us or the community leasing specialist; more may be added to your list!

We hope you will seek a community that isn’t just a collection of homes or apartments but a living, breathing entity fostering belonging and connection.

Here are some key factors we suggest you consider:

Sense of Community: 

Let’s face it: if you are considering a community setting, most likely it’s because you want more connection with a diverse group of people in a similar life stage. We often hear, “My neighbours get me.” This cultivates a feeling of togetherness; knowing that you are not alone and that the people you are meeting also share a sense of life and wisdom about them can be comforting. 

Social Activities: Look for a community that offers a variety of social activities and events and whether or not you can do member-led activities of your own. This fosters a sense of belonging and encourages residents to connect while recognizing that everyone brings a hobby they may want to share with the community.

Community Spaces: Check for communal areas like clubhouses, lounges, or activity spaces where residents can gather and interact. Are they clean and large enough for the community you are considering, and would you be proud to have a friend join you?

Wellness and Health Focus:

Fitness Facilities: Assess the availability and quality of fitness facilities or opportunities within the community, such as gyms, walking paths, or recreational areas. Check if there are classes and if they are available for your fitness level.

Health Services: Consider the proximity to healthcare facilities and the availability of health services within or near the community.

Accessibility and Safety:

Ease of Navigation: Ensure the community is designed with accessibility, elevators, and well-maintained pathways for easy navigation. Can you access the common spaces and use your suite fully if you have a walker?

Safety Measures: Inquire about safety features such as security systems, well-lit areas, and emergency response protocols.

Lifestyle Options:

Housing Options: Look for a community offering plenty of different designs that appeal to singles & couples. This will help create a more diverse community dynamic.

Cultural and Recreational Opportunities: Consider the availability of cultural and recreational activities that align with your interests and hobbies.

Surrounding Environment:

Natural Elements: Assess the incorporation of natural elements like green spaces, parks, or water features that contribute to a peaceful and aesthetically pleasing environment.

Proximity to Amenities: Consider the convenience of nearby amenities such as shopping centers, restaurants, and cultural venues. In smaller towns, are the roads easily navigated, and how far are the nearest services?

Engagement and Inclusivity:

Community Engagement Programs: Inquire about programs encouraging resident involvement and community engagement. Our Wellings programming encourages many member-led activities, as they are encouraged to be extensions of their lifestyle goals.

Inclusivity: Ensure the community embraces diversity and inclusivity, creating an environment where all residents feel welcome.

Management and Services:

Professional Management: Evaluate the professionalism of community management. Wellings managers are focused on maintaining their communities, addressing any concerns promptly, participating in activities, and bringing fun to the community. 

Maintenance and Services: Consider the quality of maintenance services and the availability of convenient services for residents. 

Feedback from Residents:

Talk to Current Residents: Speak to current residents to get firsthand insights into their experiences and the overall feel of the community. Ask if you can join the community for supper to understand the food. 

Future Planning:

Long-Term Sustainability: No one wants to move more than necessary. Assess the community’s plans for the future, ensuring they are well-maintained and have a vision for long-term sustainability.

By carefully considering these factors, you can better understand the overall feel of an adult lifestyle community and determine whether it aligns with your preferences and lifestyle goals now and in the future.

Embarking on the journey to choose an adult lifestyle community is like navigating the pages of a captivating novel—one where each chapter unfolds a unique aspect of what could become your next home. 

We would proudly introduce you to our resident ambassadors and lead you through our beautiful Wellings Communities. 

The choice is yours, and we would love to help you make an informed decision and gather whatever facts you need to do just that.

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day at the Wellings 🍀

Hello, wonderful Wellings residents. 

As the breezes of March whisk through, bringing with them the whispers of spring, we find ourselves on the Saturday before one of the most spirited celebrations of the year – St. Patrick’s Day. 

And who says it’s just the young or the Irish who get to have all the fun? 

We’ve got a pot full of activities and ideas to ensure St. Patrick’s Day is as magical and memorable for us at the Wellings as finding a four-leaf clover in our backyard.

  1. Parade Participation – Virtually or Locally

Nothing screams St. Patrick’s Day quite like a parade. Whether we attend a local one or watch a grand parade virtually from cities known for their St. Paddy’s Day festivities, let’s immerse ourselves in this beautiful day’s vibrant greens, lively music, and joyous dancing.

  1. Dancing to the Rhythms of Ireland

Fancy a jig or a reel? Let’s move our coffee tables aside and learn an Irish step dance in our living room. Plenty of beginner-friendly tutorials are online; we could put on a show for our friends and family over a video call! It’s all in good fun, and laughter is guaranteed.

  1. Melodies from the Emerald Isle

From the hauntingly beautiful strains of Celtic Woman to the rollicking tunes of traditional Irish folk music, let’s fill our homes with the sounds of Ireland. Music can transport us, so why not let it take us on a journey to Ireland’s lush landscapes and rugged coastlines?

  1. Brain-Boosting Trivia Night

Why not host a St. Patrick’s Day trivia night? With categories ranging from Irish history to famous Irish legends and landmarks, we can test our knowledge and learn something new. It’s a fantastic way to engage our brains and share a laugh.

  1. Crafting Green

Let’s get our hands busy with some St. Patrick’s Day crafts. From green necklaces to rainbow portraits, crafting is not just a way to celebrate; it’s a way to express our creativity and add a personal touch to our decorations.

  1. A Scavenger Hunt for the Young at Heart

Who doesn’t love a good scavenger hunt? Hide some leprechaun cutouts or pots of gold around our community or homes, and let the games begin. It’s a beautiful way to add a bit of adventure to the day.

  1. Cooking Up a Storm

From baking shamrock-shaped cookies to whipping up a traditional Irish stew, cooking is a delicious way to dive into the celebrations. Sharing these treats with friends and neighbors (while donning a chef’s hat with a shamrock) can add to the fun.

  1. Hosting a Green Happy Hour

Let’s raise our glasses (filled with green punch or shamrock shakes) to good health and happiness. Hosting a happy hour, even virtually, can bring us all together in spirit and cheers.

  1. Decking the Halls in Green

Why spruce up our spaces with green decorations, shamrocks, and perhaps even a leprechaun hat? It’s a simple way to bring the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day into our homes.

  1. Crafting with Loved Ones

For those of us with grandchildren or young visitors, spending an afternoon crafting can be a joyous way to bond. Whether it’s simple shamrock hats or green bead necklaces, these activities are fun and keepsakes.

Let’s make the most of this St. Patrick’s Day at the Wellings by engaging in these delightful activities. Whether we’re dancing, baking, crafting, or simply enjoying the music, there’s no end to how we can celebrate. So, let’s don our greenest attire, embrace our inner leprechauns, and spread some joy and laughter around. After all, we’ve all got a bit of Irish in us on St. Patrick’s Day.

Sláinte to a day filled with fun, laughter, and the warmth of community! 🌈🍀


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Natalie Tommy

Chief Marketing Officer


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